Lufthansa Seeheim GmbH
Lufthansaring 1
D-64342 Seeheim-Jugenheim
Tel.: +49 69 696 131000
Fax.: +49 69 696 131015
Authorized board
Dirk Schwarze
Patrick Jonas
Registry office
Amtsgericht Darmstadt
Registry number
HRB 86307
VAT ID number as per § 27 a VAT law
Legal information
The Lufthansa Seeheim GmbH constantly checks and updates the information on its website, yet the information given can have changed in the meantime in spite of every effort. We cannot therefore accept any liability for the information provided on this site being up-to-date, correct or complete.
The same applies to all the other websites that are linked to this one by means of a hyperlink. The Lufthansa Seeheim GmbH is not responsible for the contents of websites that can be reached by such a link.
Furthermore Lufthansa Seeheim GmbH reserves the right to make changes or amendments to the information made available here.
The contents and structure of the Lufthansa Seeheim GmbH websites are protected by copyright law. Any copying of information or data, particularly the use of texts, parts of texts or image material, is only permitted subject to the written permission of the Lufthansa Seeheim GmbH.